Morphology FiltersApplies morphology operations on the images. Mathematical morphology is a method of processing digital images on the basis of shape. |
Black Hat | Morphology Black Hat operation. |
Close | Morphology close is simply a dilation operation which is followed by an erosion operation. Applying Morphology close more than once produces no further effect. |
Dilate | Morphology Dilate is commonly known as "fill", "expand", or "grow." It can be used to fill "holes" of a size equals to or smaller than the radius of a structuring element. |
Erode | Morphology Erode makes to the background, as dilation makes to the foreground. |
Open | Morphology Open is just an erosion operation followed by a dilation operation. Applying Morphology Open more than once produces no further effect. |
Top Hat | Morphology Top Hat is implemented by the applying the opening operator to the image, then by subtracting the result from the original one. |