Morphology Filters

Applies morphology operations on the images.

Mathematical morphology is a method of processing digital images on the basis of shape.

Black Hat Morphology Black Hat operation.
Close Morphology close is simply a dilation operation which is followed by an erosion operation. Applying Morphology close more than once produces no further effect.
Dilate Morphology Dilate is commonly known as "fill", "expand", or "grow." It can be used to fill "holes" of a size equals to or smaller than the radius of a structuring element.
Erode Morphology Erode makes to the background, as dilation makes to the foreground.
Open Morphology Open is just an erosion operation followed by a dilation operation. Applying Morphology Open more than once produces no further effect.
Top Hat Morphology Top Hat is implemented by the applying the opening operator to the image, then by subtracting the result from the original one.